Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's my first time...Be gentle

This is my first time to write a blog. I'm not even sure that I have enough to say. I'm certain that very little of it will be interesting to anyone, but what the hell? All my friends are doing it, so I guess I should too.

About us, I'm married to the most wonderful man on the face of the earth, Juan. Granted, he does make me a little crazy here and there, but overall, I'm blessed. We have one son, Paul, who just turned 1. He's a cutie, and a fart, and a total mess, but we're totally in love with him.

We're building a house just south of our current city in a small town. Should be interesting to live in such a small town, maybe that will give me more material for the blog. As of now, our house has walls, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC run, but that's about it. We're very excited about it.

We're members of a mommy's group, for our purposes, I will call it "the playgroup." The playgroup met today at the pool, and by the way, I've apparently given birth to a fish, because Paul LOVES the water. It's unnatural. I think he may grow gills soon. Needless to say, he had a great time, didn't even cry when he slipped and went under the water. Good baby.

Paul's also just started walking. Last Thursday was the momentus day. Now he's walking all over the house, even navigating the step down into our sunroom. He's very proud of himself. Thinks he's total hot shit.

Speaking of Paul, I think he's up from his nap, and anyway, that's probably about enough for my first go. I don't want to blow it all on my first time, now do I? Hope this was even slightly interesting....

1 comment:

anythingwithcheese said...

ZZZZZZZZZZ! Just kidding! Welcome to the world of blogging. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!