Wow. What a great weekend it's been. I have now dealt with vomit from a baby a total of 10 times since Friday afternoon at 4:00 PM. Eight of those times were between the hours of 4:00 and 10:00 Friday evening. The 9th time was a direct hit. I didn't see it coming, and then I did...all over me. So gross.
It's a really helpless feeling when you're holding your sick baby, and he starts throwing up, and there's literally nothing you can do about it, except damage control, try to catch it, keep it from getting on anything that can't be washed, and just let it come. Then, the baby cries because the heaving scared him, so you have to try to console him, all the while, covered in vomit, trying not to vomit yourself, becase the smell is awful.
So, yesterday, he was feeling much better. Very bright, playing, having fun, eating some. We thought that the worst was over. So, my dumbass gave him a half of a bottle. (He usually gets a bottle right before bed.) He goes to sleep at 7:00, no problems, no pukies, just sleeping, peaceful baby.
I wake up to him crying at 12:30. I lay in bed thinking..."calm yourself down, you can do it, go back to sleep." He doesn't, so I get up, go to the bathroom, and then make my way to his room. I only get half-way down the hall before I smell it: he's thrown up again. And he had milk before he went to bed. Eww.
Sure enough, he's thrown up all over his bed, and somehow, landed face first in it. I holler for Juan's help, and get to cleaning Paul up best I can. I get him at least dry, and rock him to try to calm him down, while Juan stumbles in, says "Oh my God" and gets to chaning the sheets on Paul crib. I love this man. He's wonderful.
Paul still smells atrocious, so I decide it's 1:00AM. Do what you gotta do, sometimes. I get him cleaned up in a record time-bath, he smells better, but still a little foul. By this time, Juan has the sheets changed, and the crib put back together, so I get to rocking Paul back to sleep. We were all in bed and asleep by 1:30.
When I wake up this morning, at 6:30, woken by Paul, I find out that poor Juan had been up 3 or 4 times between the vomit and the alarm with stomach troubles of his own...other end, though. So, he's home from work now, too.
On the brighter side, Juan and I went to the new house and ran the speaker wire for the surround sound in the living room yesterday. Glad to get that done. They've insulated the house, and are ready to start sheetrocking!!! Yea!!!
Okay, now I must go shower. Yes, it's 9:15 Monday, and the last shower I had was 3:00 Saturday. I stink. Bad.