Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone's having (or had) a fun, safe 4th of July holiday!

Today, Paul and I went to a 'wading pool' that we hadn't ever been to before. It was a pretty neat little pool, perfect for babies and young kids. At the deepest, it's only 2 ft. Paul loved it. As I said before, he's a total fish. Even if he goes completely under the water, he doesn't cry, doesn't get upset. It hardly phases him. He just blows the water out of his mouth and keeps going.

We went to my parents house this evening for dinner and possibly go see the fireworks. My parents live less than a mile from where the city shoots off the fireworks, so we thought we would take Paul to see them. The weather was crappy today, though, rainy and storming, so we opted not to go sit in a soggy field, getting rained on, to see some lights in the sky.

When we got to the house, my mom was in such an awful mood, both Juan and I wanted to turn around and come home! My dad had wanted to smoke a brisket, chicken, ribs and any other meat he could find. Mom actually asked us to come over so that Daddy could smoke the meat. Anyway, she was actually pissed that he was up early getting the fire built and the wood cut. What the hell did she expect? I didn't hear all the rant about her day, but what little I heard was just silly. Daddy decided to make "armadillo eggs," which are stuffed jalapeno peppers. Mom was pissed that he came home with the peppers and started cooking those. Then she was pissed that he was roasting peppers to make salsa. Her list never ended.

When we had just arrived, I was putting something in the fridge. The door was still open. Daddy came up and raised his arm to give me a hug, and accidently hit one of the shelves on the door on the inside of the fridge. The shelf is broken somehow, and doesn't fit very well anymore. Anyway, the entire thing came crashing to the floor, and a big jar of marichino cherries breaks all over the floor. I thought Mom was going to come unglued. She acted like Daddy did it on purpose. Poor guy couldn't do anything right. After dinner, he was cleaning up the kitchen, putting away the extra food, and Mom actually told him "if everyone would just get out of the damn kitchen, I could get this crap cleaned up in about 2 minutes." Um, I'm sorry, but the response to your husband cleaning the kitchen without being asked should be: "Thanks so much for cleaning the kitchen, Honey, but I'll finish this up." Where did she get off bitching at him? Poor man couldn't do anything right. I really felt sorry for him.

Needless to say, it was nice when Paul started to act tired so that we could use the excuse to leave. Great dinner, I ate entirely too much, but Mom's attitude could have been much better!

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