Monday, July 17, 2006

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

Paul found his whine last week. It's really quite painful. He whines if he's hungry. He whines if he wants more food. He whines if he's tired. He whines if he's thirsty. He whines if he wants a toy (or other random object) and can't get it. He actually whined at the dog the other day because she took a ball from him and walked away.

We're hoping that his whining is just a way for him to communicate his wants and needs and that once his language develops some the whining will subside some. We're really hoping! If it doesn't, we may have to put him up one yet! Just kidding, please don't call CPS on us, we're not going to auction our baby!

1 comment:

anythingwithcheese said...

Give me enough cheese, and I'll take that whine off of your hands!